- Interoperable traceability
Suomeen luodaan ruokaketjun yhteentoimivaa jäljitettävyyttä
- 17.12.2024
Traceability refers to the capability to track a product from its origin through each stage of its journey. This process provides critical insights into where the product or raw material comes from, how it has been handled and transported, and by whom. Standards-based, interoperable traceability enhances collaboration and information exchange among stakeholders, facilitating more reliable and efficient supply chain management. Adhering to official requirements and supporting international trade becomes easier when data is presented in a universally understandable format.
In the development project coordinated by GS1, a road map is drawn up together with industry players, that outlines scalable, interoperable traceability within the Finnish food chain. This initiative leverages the GS1 Global Traceability Standard (GTS), which serves as a reference framework for designing and implementing such traceability solutions. The project focuses primarily on distributed information models while also assessing the potential need for centralized data repositories.
Project Management: GS1 Finland
Expert organisations: Apetit, Atria, Fazer, HK Foods, Kesko, SOK, Vaasan, and Valio
November 18, 2024 – April 30, 2025