- Interoperable traceability
Suomeen luodaan ruokaketjun yhteentoimivaa jäljitettävyyttä
- 17.12.2024
Food Data Finland develops the capabilities of organizations to face future challenges and find competitive advantages. Through joint development projects, we promote efficiency, growth, predictability, exportability and data enrichment in the industry. Members of our network can act as pioneers in the use of unified food chain data, allowing them to be the first to use new information in their businesses resulting from collaboration.
The business and export environment of the food chain is changing: digitalization is accelerating, the entire food chain needs to become more efficient, regulation at EU level and beyond is increasing, consumer behavior is fragmenting, consumer demands for responsibility are rising, and awareness of health and safety is increasing. To cope with all this, more data and its usability are needed.
Join in! Let's face the world's change as one front and make the sustainable food chain Finland's most important asset.